Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Resolution

I make New Year's resolutions  every year, but never end up keeping it.  Sometimes I don't even make it through January, but I eventually fail every time.  This year my New Year's resolution is to not procrastinate.  I usually wait until the last minute to work on a project, or study for a test and I feel my work could be tens times better if I take more time to work.  Instead I rush through things the night before and pull out a decent grade, but with more time and concentration, I could do much better.  
To achieve this goal I am going to be more thorough about writing down my assignments.  Also, I am going to work on managing my time so I don't have to wait until the last minute to work on something.  This resolution needs to be a life change rather than something I promise to do and only end up doing the beginning of the year.